Monday, December 27, 2010

Flax Tea

Flax Tea Benefits have been recognized by generations as being potent for a variety of ailments. The flax is a known anti-inflammatory and laxative agent and has been extensively used in the civilizations of the Near East. Flax has been mentioned prominently in Biblical writings.
Flax is a small herbaceous annual plant that is native to the eastern Mediterranean region to the Indian subcontinent. Known by its official name of linum usitatissimum, flax typically possesses a single smooth, erect stem that may reach a height of 1 to 2 feet when it is fully grown. The stem has alternate rows of slender leaves that can reach up to an inch in length. The flax plant has striking pale blue blossoms with five petals. It has a fruit that is a round, dry capsule that serves as a vessel for the glossy brown flax seeds.
The flax seeds and fibers are the main reasons for the plant's cultivation since the olden days. The flax seeds contain high concentrations of the Omega-3 fatty oils and lignans that are largely responsible for the plant's health benefits. It is said that the flax seeds contain up to 800 times the lignan content found in other foods. The fibers of the flax plant, on the other hand, have been used for centuries in the production of linen.
Flax seeds are usually ground to make capsules, and are added to bread, cereals and muffins. The oil of the flax seeds is also extracted to be used as additions to one's diet.
Flax should not be used for long periods of time. When using flax as laxative, adequate water should be taken with it as it is bulk-forming.
The following are the health benefits associated with flax tea:
Flax tea may help enhance cardiovascular functions by lowering cholesterol levels and protecting against atherosclerosis.
Flax tea may be useful in fighting tumors, and hence, certain types of cancer.
Flax tea may be helpful in stabilizing blood sugar levels.
Flax tea may be helpful against disorders of the digestive system such as constipation and gastritis.
Flax tea may be helpful in prevention of colon damage.
Flax tea may be helpful in alleviating pain and tissue damage from such conditions as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis and diverticulitis.
Flax tea may be helpful in the treatment of cough, sore throat, bronchitis, and pleurisy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Drinking flax tea regularly have many health related benefits such as weight loss, stabilizing blood sugar levels, increase immune system, prevention of colon damage.
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